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CnamB Launch Post Covid 19 March 2022.pdf
KK Primary Schools BR Sept 2021.pdf
Good news everyone, the Department of Education has confirmed that the use of an external coach or tutor, including for senior classes, is at the discretion of the board of management, who must be satisfied that these visitors are Garda vetted, adhere to public health advice, are trained by their governing bodies with regard to COVID-19 and that they can fully implement the school’s COVID-19 response plan.
Good news everyone, the Department of Education has confirmed that the use of an external coach or tutor, including for senior classes, is at the discretion of the board of management, who must be satisfied that these visitors are Garda vetted, adhere to public health advice, are trained by their governing bodies with regard to COVID-19 and that they can fully implement the school’s COVID-19 response plan.
As such the Kilkenny GAA Coaching and Games team have constructed a timetable to recommence delivery of the coaching of hurling in schools. Click here for more info!!!
As such the Kilkenny GAA Coaching and Games team have constructed a timetable to recommence delivery of the coaching of hurling in schools. Click here for more info!!!
KK Primary Schools Easter Summer 2021.pdf
With the county and country currently still coming to grips with Covid-19 there isn't really much news to date!! However, we can still work on developing our skills. Click here to find out more!!!
With the county and country currently still coming to grips with Covid-19 there isn't really much news to date!! However, we can still work on developing our skills. Click here to find out more!!!